Followers of Jesus loving one another across cultures and context (John 17:23).
- ✓ Get training to multiply disciples & churches like Jesus
- ✓ Connect, communicate, and collaborate in love and unity as disciples and churches.
Who are we?
We are a growing family of churches across cities, locally, nationally, and globally.
We are connecting, communicating, and collaborating city to city around establishing hubs of multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches.
Who are we?
We are groups of individuals and disciple-making practitioners all over the world who love Jesus, seek to follow his commands and live out the Great Commission as disciples and simple churches. (Matthew 28.19-20).
Who is in Charge?
Who's the leader?
Jesus. He has been given all authority (Matthew 28:18-20) and is the head of the Church (Colossians 1:18) Among Christ’s followers leadership is distributed and inclusive. Instead of a hierarchical structure, leadership emerges from within the community. The emphasis is on recognizing and empowering leaders who naturally rise from the grassroots, ensuring a diverse representation and shared responsibility.
Where are you located?
Here, There, And Everywhere. We’re spread all over the globe, though this site is focusing on disciple-makers in North America. We’re in many major cities across the US and Canada. You can contact us if you would like to get connected to any practitioners of disciple-making and church planting movements near you.
Is City2City a church?
Yes and No: We’re not “a” specific church, but we’re “the” universal church. That is, we are all followers of Jesus who seek to connect, communicate and collaborate as we all follow his commands and live the way he lived. We all share the common bond of faith in him. We are also a network of decentralized, organic churches that meet in homes, businesses and other places, and then those simple churches are connected at the city level. Our focus is multiplying disciples who come together as the church in their community.
Where did you learn this model?
The Bible
How do you relate to one another?
By Connecting, communicating, and collaborating with one another. Not controlling, but relationally, as organic, decentralized expressions of church across cities.
We are pursuing multiplying disciples, leaders, churches, and businesses as a model of a Kingdom of God ecosystem, house to house, city to city, and nation to nation.
We gather as churches in simple/micro, home, and house churches and we work together to establish biblical leadership when appropriate. Bible eldership & deacons=APEST.
We are attempting to model the examples we see in the book of Acts and the New Testament.
Who are you Accountable to?
we are a dispersed community of God’s people committed to one another, and God’s mission together. We voluntarily and mutually submit to one another.
We cross-pollinate disciples and leaders to love one another, spur each other on, hold each other accountable, identify best practices, overcome barriers, and attack the gaps in our cities.
We generosity share relational and material resources as we see in the book of ACTS.
Millions around the World are rediscovering the path of discipleship and church that Jesus modeled.
Read stories from Cities living out the book of Acts in action.
Do you have a story like that?
There’s a reason that Christianity may feel disconnected and fruitless. We’re not called to a church experience, we’re called to follow Jesus. It’s time to return to God’s design for discipleship, Church and life.
It’s time to do what Jesus did and LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Following Jesus is simple. Joining a Church Family should be too.
Below are simple next steps for getting connected and trained.
Get connected to others locally.
Identify your next step to connect or get trained.
Be the Church and make disciples.
Love one another until the whole World knows.
See what the movement looks like: watch the Love One Another Documentary
Love One Another Until the Whole World Knows
A Documentary Film
for Great Commission Christians Everywhere
Watch the Trailer:
Connect and Join the Movement
Are you ready? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to return to God’s design for discipleship, Church and life